Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Refletion(Third Quarter)

During our Grade 10 ICT, third quarter, I have learned a lot of topics. I learned on how to create a web page. How to insert  a link, images, ect. Second is the HTML tags and how to create a HTML file which I enjoyed so much, we have a lot of exercises and activities regarding this topic. We also discussed how the tags will be written and its function in HTML. Internet can really change our lives. Until now we are still using the blog as we post our insights about the gender equality and the essence of Christmas. These are just some of our lessons and activities that I have learned  and created in our second quarter ICT 10.
Everyone has problems to face but as a student one of the challenges that I have encountered is to encode HTML because it was my first time and I do not have any idea about these. It was so hard for me as a student.

Moving on, I will be sharing my ideas about  these topics and those knowledge that I have gained. So in our ICT 10, Second quarter is good and interesting and so with the two more quarters.