Tuesday, March 12, 2019

10 Years From Now

Image result for live your values, pursue your dream and follow your passion quotesLive your values, Pursue your dreams, and Follow Your Passion". This is really the true ways I must do to have a better life and best future I could possibly have. Seeing around the Earth, we find all kinds of people who exist. I think those people do have difference from each other, the others might be hard in the task of studying, which influence them to be different. I am lucky the among them so I know that it is my dream.

My existence here in this world, I would like to achieve such things: be a successful person, help my loving parents, siblings and serve my fellows. I have been intoxicate by my dream, it is the goal, the aim and the direction of my life.

At first, I could hardly decide what I want to be in the future there are so many choices painted on my mind and I can't decide well, because I am at the Grade 10 already I have to make decision. Specifically my choice in college, my profession. With all the sacrifices and sweat of my parents exerting just to send me in school.

At that time that I have a job, I have something to feel proud of me because I have reached what I deserve in life. I would like to give my parents the best life they could wish for. I would like to see them feel so comfortable and see the sweet smiles on their faces.

Image result for my dream my futureThis really shows the sympathy and good heart for others. Simple dreams are worth living for me. I, together with my parents, have simple meaning of life, because of determination, strong faith to God, good values and virtues, I  assure that you will have the best of life in the future, not because of comfort but because of the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. these are my dreams, my inspiration which I have to work on the future. 


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