Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Image result for change: starts with me
Change happens whether we like it or no and regardless of whether we do anything about it. Tomorrow will be different than today. We can resist, but that is a bit like standing in a river and trying it hold back the water.
Image result for change: starts with meChange really starts with me and attend my own personal development. In doing so problems give way to solutions and no longer affect me. I have to heal myself first and be mindful of my thoughts leading down to a path of negativity. I will break the nonstop thinking that dictates there is something wrong with the world. It is worth the effort of personal growth. 

Change Starts With Me is a step-by-step personal development guide that leads you to the discovery of your ‘authentic’ self. It is a life changing action eBook with assignments and exercises to help you dig deep within your many personalities and character chambers to discover who you really are.


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